Friday, September 23, 2011

The Best Videos of the Week [Video]

The Best Videos of the WeekMaybe you were out savoring the last days of summer this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you've just got some free time this afternoon and an itch to catch up on things. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.

The Best Videos of the Week

The Bellagio water fountains ain't got nothing on this. This water fountain in Osaka Station, Japan is so amazing that it can tell you the time, draw pictures of leaves, show music notes, spell words and do a ton more. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Risqué. Sexy. Fits like a glove! Look at that leg! These were the phrases used to describe the Miss Universe Pageant finalists during the evening gown portion of the competition. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

A Phoenix man became trapped on Thursday after losing control of his vehicle. In the process, the driver rear-ended a car driven by George Lindell, who described the events to a local Fox crew in this amazing video that you must watch immediately. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Earlier today, Apple pulled Molleindustria's iPhone game Phone Story from the app store. The game depicts four stages of smartphone production, exposing its ugly truths with a frankness that is designed to make users uncomfortable. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

A vintage P51 Mustang crashed into spectator seating at the Reno National Air Races earlier today. Reno officials described the aftermath of the crash as a "mass casualty" situation. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Just about three months after her alleged one-night stand with Michigan star player Glen Rice, Sarah Palin (then Sarah Heath) reported on a Wolverines game for Anchorage's KTUU-TV. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

In 2008, Kanye West loved Comedy Central's Crank Yankers so much, he shot a pilot for a hip-hop puppet variety show, Alligator Boots, but it never made it to air. After watching this, you'll wish it had. Plus: Kim Kardashian as Princess Leia! View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Some NYPD officers were caught on video dirty dancing with revelers at last weekend's West Indian Day Parade. Their moves have sparked controversy. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Johan Rijpma created this quirky short showing his dancing tape sculpture. At first it's strangely musical. Almost hypnotic. By the end, with all the colors and tones, I was a little unnerved by how trippy it got. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

What determines somebody's "best-looking" game on a system is subjective. Some will prefer clean lines, others copious effects. I can do without either if a game just has great art. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Remember when Serena Williams went all Joe Pesci on a line referee at the US Open two years ago? Well, during today's women's final match (which she lost in straight sets to Samantha Stosur), she did it again. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Eleven super cars simultaneously drag racing each other down a quarter-mile of empty airstrip sounds less like reality and more like the product of a car guy's fever dream. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

It's been some time since the Smoking Baby went viral, and ABC's 20/20 thought it time to check up on him. In the process, ABC discovered there's not just one Smoking Baby in that neck of the woods. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

I guess we could assume that the security at MetLife Stadium were so preoccupied with making sure no fan tried to sneak in an umbrella or a laser pointer today that they simply forgot to look for stun guns. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

You know how Jay Leno's lips are always firmly planted on his guests' ass cheeks? And how he never challenges their answers to his questions? Well, that changed on Friday night. How so? Two words: Michele Bachmann. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Stereotypes: vicious, unfair, and hurtful. And perpetrated by malicious onboard guidance systems like this one, which assumes you're a Francophone just because you make the nasally laugh-moan of a Frenchman cliché. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Paintball has never been quite as exciting as it is seen through the eyes of director Saman Keshavarz in this video, which you'll want to watch at least three times. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

On tonight's ANTM: All Stars premiere, Tyra Banks will surely say, "You're still in the running towards becoming America's next top model." Over the last 16 cycles she's said it 100+ times—we have every instance of that here in clip form. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Remember coning? It's the dopey video stunt in which people at the McDonald's drive-thru grab their ice cream cone by the ice cream instead of the cone, making a mess and confusing everyone. Hilarious! Well, no more, says this manager. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

A 21-year-old Utah man who was trapped under a BMW after his motorcycle collided with it and caught fire is alive thanks to a dozen strangers who lifted the burning car off his body. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

We know. We saw too. [h/t Everyone] View »

The Best Videos of the Week

These kids think that climbing the cables of the Moscow Bridge in Kiev is a lot of fun. And they are probably right. I'm freaking out by just looking at the video. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

President Obama unveiled the American Jobs Act on Monday. The next day, Fox & Friends ripped Obama for fastening the bill with a "chintzy clip." On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert delved into "Clip-gate" just to prove how pathetic it was. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Readers, please don't try this at home. Let seasoned professionals like YouTube superstar Freddie Wong and crew illustrate the proper way to commute to ones workplace in a bizarre, video game-inspired reality. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

On day two of Anderson Cooper's self-titled talk show, Snooki took a bashful Cooper for his first ever spray-on tan. And he stripped! View »

The Best Videos of the Week

In most motorsports, it's almost a cliche to see a crash unfolding from the car behind it. Here's the view of a motorcycle crash that happens so fast you don't see the bike until its in the air by the driver's head. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The NYT's Paul Krugman wrote a piece on 9/11's 10th anniversary arguing that the tragedy's exploitation for political gain tore us apart and make future 9/11s occasions for shame. Jon Stewart made seemingly the same point on Monday's Daily Show. View »

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spy Gear TRAKR RC Car Is Your Pervy, Creeping Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Roboto Is a USB-Powering Rampage Machine [Desired]

Roboto Is a USB-Powering Rampage MachineAll hail the mighty Roboto, come to conquer our desks and lay siege to our peripherals! Bow before his diminutive wrath!

Standing a towering four inches tall, it really does wind up and stomp about your work space when it isn't commanding your accessories with its four USB slots or controlling your mind with its glowing green eyes. Roboto is available from Fred Flare for $24.

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That Cassini Smartypants Spacecraft Is One Amazing Photographer [Astronomy]

That Cassini Smartypants Spacecraft Is One Amazing PhotographerThe Cassini spacecraft has been able to capture this stunning image of five Saturn moons in one single frame. From left to right: Janus, Pandora, Enceladus, Mimas and Rhea.

This view looks toward the northern, sunlit side of the rings from just above the ringplane. Rhea is closest to Cassini here. The rings are beyond Rhea and Mimas. Enceladus is beyond the rings.

The image was taken on July 29, 2011, 1.1 million kilometers (684,000 miles) from Rhea, using Cassini's narrow-angle camera. [NASA]

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Man to Feed Exclusively On 162 Gallons Of Wife's Breast Milk [Wtf]

Man to Feed Exclusively On 162 Gallons Of Wife's Breast MilkAfter her third premature baby, Katie filled this 22-cubic-foot upright deep freezer with her excess breast milk. Now, her husband Curtis plans on feeding only on it for as long as his body can take it.

Their objective is to discover how much breast milk will it take to nourish a 6'4", 185-pound grown man and how many days can a grown man live off breast milk comfortably. Katie says that, after having her third premature kid, she originally stored the milk to donate it, like she did in the past. That didn't work out, so now they are conducting this experiment.

Katie, who is a lactation expert, says that Curtis needs 2,000 calories a day. After testing it, her breast milk contains approximately 27 to 32 calories per ounce, so that means Curtis needs to drink 66 ounces of breast milk daily. The experience is now on its third day, and it seems Curtis is getting too hungry already:

Much more hungry yesterday, 104 ounces consumed, roughly 3120 calories. Near the end of the day I started craving solid foods, so I drank more milk and it satisfied my hunger. I am really enjoying the milk now and am always surprised how each glass tastes different.

Katie and Curtis "will keep track of the number of ounces he drinks daily" and "monitor his weight to be sure he isn't losing weight." He will not eat any other food.

I'm all for breast milk. I love breasts. I have all the albums. But while I can imagine myself eating breast milk pancakes with a breast milk latte, I can't imagine myself drinking this stuff as my only form of nourishment. Unless you turn it into butter.

Hmmm, breast milk butter on French bread. [Don't Have a Cow, Man via Gothamist]

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Oakley 3D Gascan Peepers Lightning Review: Pimp But Pricey [3D]

Oakley 3D Gascan Peepers Lightning Review: Pimp But Pricey3D movies are here to stay, for at least another year. So why are you still picking up crappy disposable specs every time you hit the multiplex? Oakley's 3D Gascan shades promise better optics—and permanence.

Color and light looked better in these glasses than the hand-out pair the theater gave me. The screen didn't look quite so muddy. Still images popped more. Even when I looked through the corners of the glasses, next to the frame, the image looked great. They also fit better. They were both more comfortable, and wrapped around my eyes to a greater extent, so I never saw the outside edges of the glasses, which made for a more immersive experience. And they're damn tough. I tried to scratch them with my keys and failed.

Some of the best things about these glasses are more intangible. When you drop your Real3D specs off in one of those bins outside a movie, they're typically transported to a recycling center where they're washed or recycled, inspected, and then shipped back to theaters again. That's a lot of interstate transport, and a lot of single-time use assuming many get damaged. I like the concept of buying my own and opting out of that chain. And then there's the appearance. Most 3D glasses are aggressively ugly, so much so that I've even seen hipsters wearing them in public. These actually look like regular sunglasses.

Oakley promises a lot with these, but to be honest I had a hard time telling enough of a difference between the 3D Gascan and the garden variety handouts to justify the price. In the area it matters most, crosstalk, I couldn't really tell much of a difference at all. Basically, anytime there was some really fast action onscreen, I picked up on crosstalk. This is a fundamental problem with 3D that even the best glasses in the world aren't going to fix.

Maybe. But probably not. Look, they're very nice. The optics are better than the movie theater glasses and they're damn near indestructible. But $120, is a lot of coin to drop for a marginal performance improvement. How many 3D movies do you see a year? If your main concerns are comfort, experience and you've got a hell of a lot of disposable income, by all means, go for it. But if you're hoping these will solve the problems of blurry pictures in a 3D movie, you're going to be disappointed.

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Drake: Club Paradise [Video]

Drake: Club Paradise This song has an awful title. It sounds like it should be the name of some horrible bar in Tijuana. That's okay—ignore it. Drake's latest is lush and lovely. And perfect for a Monday.

For me, the front of the weekday choo choo train means balancing the blast of workplace brain chemicals (INTERNET INTERNET!) with the lingering looseness of the weekend. A little bit white wine, a little bit giant glass of scotch and jet fuel. Nobody needs a shock to their system, but I need to hit the ground running. Hi, Drake!

R&B and rap and singing and synths and drums and talking about fucking and stress and working hard and what you're working for. Club Paradise sounds like every other Drake song, and that's fine. Drake's a multifaceted guy, and for a multifaceted day, that's what I want blasted in my ears. I need to think about robots, sex, stealth fighters, hackers, tablets, LTE, and a trillion other things. And I need to love it. And I do. And so does Drake—swimming through this blobby beat, preoccupied, determined. Monday starts with a rolling boil. [From the forthcoming Take Care, released next month]

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Facebook Wants You To Watch, Listen, Read And Want Stuff, Too [Facebook]

Facebook Wants You To Watch, Listen, Read And Want Stuff, TooFacebook may have some upcoming changes that'll add Watched, Listened, Read and Want buttons to its social network, according to a rumor from TechCrunch.

These buttons will fine tune your profile information and could replace or augment the Like button. They will also give Facebook even more personal information tit can use to violate your privacy, I mean build your social web. We should find out more about these and other changes during Facebook's big f8 conference next week. [TechCrunch]

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Our Holographic Future Will Debut In The Back Seat Of A Car [Science]

Our Holographic Future Will Debut In The Back Seat Of A CarImagine being 8-years-old again and on a long car trip. Instead of whining "Are we there, yet?", you pick up a controller and play with your holographic animals. It sounds like science fiction, but it could be reality someday.

Researchers at the Games and Experimental Entertainment Laboratory (GEELab) in Australia are developing a holographic entertainment system for the car. The system will display 3D images for rear passengers who'll be able to interact with the images using a wireless controller much like the Kinect. Not just for games, the holographic system could be used to display travel information, maps, or even become a 3D virtual office.

The team is working with Audi and hopes to get a prototype up and working soon. [IEEE Spectrum; Image from Kzenon/Shutterstock]

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YouTube Adds 3D Video Conversion and New Editing Tools [Video]

YouTube Adds 3D Video Conversion and New Editing ToolsYouTube added several new features to its video streaming service including the ability to convert your 2D video to 3D format. I'm not sure why you would want to, but now you can.

YouTube users will also be able to mix it up with two new video editing tools, vlix and Magisto. Vlix lets you add effects and text to the beginning and the end of your videos, while Magisto takes a longer video and breaks it up into smaller, fun clips.

YouTube also opened up the floodgates for long-form video by allowing all verified users to upload videos longer than 15 minutes long. [YouTube via TechCrunch]

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Ka-Bar ZK-Pestilence Chopper Knife Lightning Review: Murders Plants and Zombies [Outdoors]

Ka-Bar ZK-Pestilence Chopper Knife Lightning Review: Murders Plants and ZombiesHonestly, I was expecting a blade marketed for use in zombie killing—seriously, that's what the ZK stands for—to be just a flimsy toy built more for show than for actual work. Boy, was I wrong.

It's got solid heft, for only weighing about a pound. The blade is front-weighted, heavier at the tip than at the handle, which helps it accelerate on the downswing. Not that you really need it on account of the knife's ludicrous sharpness. Seriously, with just a flick of the wrist, I can dismantle a 4-inch-diameter jade plant. Using a full swing, I cleared 15-yards of blackberry patch in a quarter of the time it normally takes me with shears and a weed-whacker.

The Pestilence is definitely a one-trick pony—excellent at clearing brush and overgrowth but not really anything else. The 10 1/4-inch blade is too long to let you use it as a hunting knife (and too heavy for backpacking) but not quite long enough to use it as a true machete. Nor does it have the necessary weight to split logs so it really limits you to soft, non-woody plants.

An excellent tool when faced with the challenges of clearing overgrown hedgerows and decapitating the walking dead alike.

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Idiots Who Are Deathly Afraid of Wi-Fi Have Found a Town in West Virginia That Bans Wireless Signals for 13,000 Square Miles [Wtf]

Idiots Who Are Deathly Afraid of Wi-Fi Have Found a Town in West Virginia That Bans Wireless Signals for 13,000 Square MilesI always thought it would be a hilarious conspiracy if all the wireless signals that invade our invisible space was really screwing with our health. I wasn't serious though! These people are—they avoid Wi-Fi like the plague.

"My face turns red, I get a headache, my vision changes, and it hurts to think. Last time [I was exposed] I started getting chest pains - and to me that's becoming life-threatening"

That's Diane Schou, she's one of the 5% (!) of Americans who think they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). Symptoms of EHS include skin burning, muscle twitching, chronic pain, etc. and is caused by exposure to cell phones, Wi-Fi and other electronic devices, basically they're allergic to modern life. I don't mean to demean other people's beliefs and/or health problems but...

What the fuck.

Schou's husband, bless his heart, built a Faraday Cage for her to live in—it was a wooden frame with two layers of wire mesh and a door that could be sealed shut. All the more better to block out the signals, you know? That's where Schou spent much of her time before she found her safe haven: Green Bank, West Virginia. Green Bank is part of the US Radio Quiet Zone—wireless signals are banned 13,000 miles across to prevent interference with the giganto radio telescopes in the area. Green Bank is slowly emerging as the destination du jour for these Wi-Fi 'fraidy cats—no one carries cell phones, no one uses wireless tech and people can breathe now!

According to the BBC, dozens have flocked to the area and are now able to live a normal life. As normal as crazy people can get, I guess. [BBC via BoingBoing, Image Credit: Rob Wilson/Shutterstock]

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How to Live Like James Bond For a Weekend [How To]

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendSteve Kamb found out how to fly 35,000 miles and visit four continents for $418. He's now going round the world in that trip and managed to score a weekend in Monte Carlo, Monaco, living like James Bond.

Fantastic hotel room, Martinis, tuxedo and food for just $138. This is how he did it:

When I started traveling the world back in January, I became fascinated by the concept of actually becoming James Bond/Jason Bourne – no, not the "kill lots of people" part, but rather the "go anywhere at a moment's notice, speak multiple languages, be in peak physical condition, well-trained in martial arts and special forces tactics, and have multiple passports and bank accounts" stuff.

Sounds ridiculous right? Believe it or not, all of the things above are absolutely possible and completely legal with enough time, money, and effort.

Who says nerds can't be secret agents?

To jump start my "Become James Bond" quest, I decided to live the life of James Bond for a weekend while in Monaco, a tiny principality on the Mediterranean Coast of France. If you've ever heard of the place, then you know what to expect – unreal scenery, untold luxury, and one of the world's most famous casinos. What better place to become 007 than in Monaco?

I'm going to tell you how I did it and how you can do the same, even if you're on a tight budget. Because I love you that much.

Here's the full mission debriefing.

Two weeks ago, I decided to radically adjust my plans and come to France instead of heading to Scotland. I figured I could spend a week in Paris crossing off a number of things on the Epic Quest list, before moving onto Monaco.

Thanks to Alex and Morgan of who showed me all around Paris and helped me cross off four things from the list (climb the Eifel Tower, climb the tower of Notre Dame, visit Versailles, and see the Louvre).

After a week there, I hopped on a train down to Nice, a city on the French Riviera just twenty minutes away from Monaco.

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendNow, as I've said previously, Monaco is ridiculously fancy and thus quite expensive, with the nicer hotels costing anywhere from $300-500 per night for their cheapest rooms.

Now, and I'm sure this is a real surprise, but $500 per night to sleep in a bed is just slightly outside of the budget I've set for myself on this trip; thus, I figured my best plan was to stay in Nice and travel to and from Monaco for the night.

Or so I thought…

My first order of business was to track down a tuxedo – I can't gamble like James Bond without looking the part, right? Upon arrival at my place in Nice, I met a great girl named Hannah who was fluent in French. After a comical "um, can you help me become Bond?" she agreed to help me find a tuxedo.

The next day, Hannah and I went exploring Nice (which is also stunningly beautiful, by the way) until we found a costume shop that seemed promising when I checked it out online the day before. Welp, this store was full of gag gifts, novelty items, inappropriate costumes, and not much else. Damn. The only thing I could find that would help me in my quest was a cheap bow tie!

Completely depressed and disheartened with no other hope of a decently priced suit, I walked to the counter with Hannah to pay for my bow tie and then move onto plan B. I asked Hannah if she could just ask the people behind the counter if they rented suits – a complete long shot, but we had already walked all the way there

"Oui! Right this way!"

And just like that, we were whisked away to a back room full of ludicrous animal costumes…and tuxedos! Within thirty minutes, I had a tux that fit surprisingly well despite coming right off the shelf.

The best news? It was only 65 Euros to rent for 48 hours – tre bien!

My rental did not come with shoes, so I walked down the street to a Chinese shoe store and picked up some fake fancy black shoes and socks – 22 euros for the shoes, 3 euros for the socks. After the weekend was over, I donated my shoes to a homeless man begging for money – the look on his face was absolutely priceless).

All in, my James Bond costume cost me 90 euros, a small price to pay for the story that would come with it..

After securing the tux, it was time to plan out the rest of my trip to Monaco. I continued to look online for hotels with my jaw on the floor as I looked at prices for even the cheap rooms at nice hotels.

It was at this point my travel hacking skills kicked in.

Back in June I had signed up for a Citi ThankYou Visa credit card for the lucrative bonus they were offering (50,000 Thank You points). I honestly had no plans to use the points any time soon, but I knew they were versatile and could help me with my travel in some way.

So, I hopped on the Thank You Network to see if I could use my points to book a hotel in Monaco….


For 23,000 points, I could book a decent room at a less-than luxurious hotel at the top of the hill. I then noticed that for 47,000 points, I could book a room at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, one of the nicest and fanciest hotels I've ever seen, situated literally ON the Mediterranean in Monte Carlo, a mere two minute walk from the Casino Monte Carlo.

Looks like I was spending a night at the Fairmont.

Now, you're probably thinking "Steve, you're an idiot, 47,000 points for ONE NIGHT in a hotel? You can use those points for more travel!"

Fair enough…but hear me out. I currently have 430,000 points scattered across different airline and hotel programs, enough to keep me traveling to ridiculous locations for months and months and months.

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendOn top of that, I signed up for two additional cards right after booking my hotel room that will net me an additional 150,000 American Airline miles, which is coincidentally the same number of AA points it cost me to book my round-the-world adventure. Don't worry, I'll tell you which cards in a minute.

You know the saying "go big or go home?" Considering I don't actually HAVE a home, big was the only option.

Bring on the Fairmont!

The next day, I hopped on a train to Monaco in a t-shirt, flip flops, shorts, backpack and a suit bag with my tux. I arrived and immediately started giggling like a school girl – "this is actually happening" was the thought constantly running through my mind.

As I walked past Ferrarris, Rolls Royces, Aston Martins (Bond!), and so. Then past the harbor and I strolled into the Fairmont like I owned the place.

I have to say, it's quite fun approaching the front desk of a hotel like this, looking like I did, and getting to say "Yes, I have a reservation for tonight." After hearing "yes Mr. Kamb, right this way" and "what else can I get you Mr. Kamb?" I couldn't help but crack a few smiles.

I checked into my room, which was incredibly nice.

And then spent the afternoon reading at my rooftop pool overlooking the ocean.

Mind you, at this point I've still been giggling like a school girl for approximately six hours.

I lounged around til the sun set over the mountains and took a stroll from one end of the country to the other (yeah Nate, that's right…I walked a whole country and it only took me an hour and a half). It was then time to track down some liquid courage and some dinner…

After that, it was James Bond time.

I set up my laptop to play Casino Royale in the background while I put on the tux and drank my beers, and followed that up with my iTunes "pump up mix" (yes, I have a pump up mix) and proceeded to blast the two songs that would set the tone for the evening: " All I do is win" and " I'm so paid" (that's for you, Mikey and T!)

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendAround 10pm, I headed out for my night on the town. I looked like (and felt like) a million bucks walking around that city with my head held high and the James Bond theme song playing in my head. I casually rolled into the casino like I belonged and started the search for what game to play. Although I was disappointed to not find a Baccarat table (they must have been in the back rooms reserved for the high rollers), I decided to set my focus on Blackjack as it's a game I know quite well.

The cheapest table was 25 euro per hand, more than I had paid for my previous night's lodging in Nice – go big or go home, right?

I took out my predetermined amount of money from the ATM, put on my metaphorical hard hat, and went to work.

Over the next four hours, I hung tight, played by the book, doubled down when necessary, split when I could, and made big wins while minimizing losses. My bank roll slowly increased, and then went for a major ride on one hand came that raised my blood pressure by 500%:

I had bet 30 Euro and was dealt 8-8 against the dealer's 4. I split my 8's, got dealt a third 8 which required me to split again. The first card dealt on my 8 was a 3, prompting me to double down. All told, I had 120 euro scattered across my three hands.

It was at this point that the guy at the end took a hit when he shouldn't have and I almost jumped over the table and punched him.

Public service announcement – if you're going to gamble in a casino where other people depend on your play (like in Blacjack), spend an hour or two beforehand learning how to play properly, or ask the others at the table for advice so you don't screw them over. We gamblers thank you. The more you know…

Fortunately, the dealer ended up busting anyways after drawing four more cards, netting me a victory of 120 euros on a single hand. BOOYAH.

While gambling, I made quick friends with two young irish couples next to me as we discussed my previous month jumping around their country. At 3AM, the casino closed down, allowing me to leave with more money than I came with, an absolute victory.

The Irish couple invited me to 5th wheel it with them to a club down the street, and I quickly agreed under one condition:

They had to film and photograph me in front of the casino doing the requisite James Bond pose (first picture of this post)…and maybe some one handed push ups too – not bad at 3AM eh?

One-handed push ups at the Monte Carlo Video

So, it was off to Johnny Z's! Or Jimmy Z's! Whatever. I don't remember the name, only that it was incredibly expensive and a complete circus inside. After a few hours of people watching (incredibly wealthy fat old men and their incredibly attractive and far too young dates) I returned to my hotel at 5AM, exhausted, excited, and inspired.

I lived like James Bond for a night in one of the most expensive countries in the world – not only had I not gone broke, but I actually MADE a few bucks on the experience.

As my good friend and arch-nemesis Joel Runyon will tell you, nothing is impossible. I am a firm believer that given enough time, money, connections, and/or effort, even the most seemingly impossible task can be accomplished provided that you BELIEVE it is possible.

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendFor this reason, I've added a new section to the epic quest list: Master Quests. Like my night as James Bond in Monaco, these are items that require a significant amount of either time, money, connections, and/or effort), so they will net me 100% experience instead of the usual 20% on my quest to level up.

I am a normal nerd – I graduated with a degree in Economics and immediately took a desk job. A few years back, I started Nerd Fitness as a hobby because I liked helping people. When I quit my day job last summer to focus on NF full time, I had less probably 3,000 dollars in the bank and no money coming yet in through the site!

Two days ago, I lived like a prince in one of the most luxurious countries in the world.

Anything is possible – you just have to BELIEVE it's possible, and then find a way to make it happen.

"This sounds great, but I can't do it because of blah blah blah"

I hear you.

But I don't believe you.

Let's say you want you (and your friend/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/whoever) want to be Bond and Bond girl, Bond Girl and Bond Girl, Bond and Bond…whatever.

A long weekend in Monaco wearing fancy clothes and acting like royalty.

Sounds out of reach, right?

1) Flights: Travel-hack your way to two business class tickets to Nice, France. Sign up for the Citi Visa and Citi American Express cards on the same day (Read post #2 here). Buy regular things until you hit the spending threshold ($1,500 for the visa, $4000 for the AmEx) within six months (while paying off the card in full each month), and you've just racked up 150,000 American Airline miles.

• Flying solo? That's enough points for a business class ticket, maybe even first class depending on where you go.

• Two people, four cards total? Enough for both of you to fly business class from the states to Europe.

• Two people, one set of cards? Fly economy at 50,000 points per flight. Still gets you where you need to go!

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendSimply use your points to book with one of the One World airlines that services Europe – American Airlines, British Airways or Iberia. You can see who flies where here, and how many points you'll need to spend to get there.

Oh, and a train ride from Nice to Monaco? 3.50 Euro!

2) Hotel: Travel hack your way into two or three nights at a hotel in Monaco. Again, how many nights you get will depend on how many cards you have any what type of hotel you want to stay in. I could have used a combination of airline miles and hotel points from various cards to spend more than a few days in Monaco. Like the Chase Premier Card (50,000 points – which is enough to book two nights at the Fairmont and have points left over). If you and somebody else BOTH have points, then you could book nicer rooms or spend more nights at the hotel.

3) Gambling: If you are going to gamble, learn how to play right and minimize the risk (though not completely negate it). Buy a book on blackjack or a book on craps (my FAVORITE game) so you can learn proper betting and play strategy. Don't spend money you can't afford to lose, play at a limit that you're comfortable with, and walk away from the table when you've lost a certain amount or won a certain amount.

Oh, and do you think James Bond would pump quarters into a slot machine? Nope, and neither should you

But what about my credit score?

Credit cards can actually HELP your credit score in the long run, as long as you are paying them off in full each month 0n time.

Sign up at; it's free – it keeps track of how many accounts you have open, your credit history, inquiries, and more. This site has proven invaluable to my travel hacking, as I check my score at least once a month.

Yes, your credit "history" will take a few points dive for two reasons:

• Your average credit age now being younger (having just activated a card or two).
• The increased number of inquiries on your credit report (which stick around for 6 months I believe).

However, your credit utilization will go UP as will "total number of accounts," both of which positively impact your score. If you cancel those cards after hitting the bonuses and before they charge you the yearly fee, as long as you have been paying them in full each month and carry no balance, your credit score will be unaffected.

I have signed up for more than a half-dozen cards within the past four months and my credit score has only dropped 5 points, keeping me still in the "excellent" range, and I've racked up an additional 350,000 points.

No obviously I wouldn't recommend signing up for ten cards right before you apply for a home or car loan, but if you are not in the market for any big purchases, a few cards can give you an adventure of a lifetime.

Now, this type of travel hacking is more difficult if you don't live in the US – you can still earn miles with cards throughout the rest of the world, they just usually don't carry such a high sign-up bonus.

If you want to learn more about travel hacking, check out Chris Guillbeau's Frequent Flyer Master – the book that got me started on travel hacking – or free sites like FrugalTravel Guy, One Mile at a Time, and the Points Guy for more info. I visit these sites daily.

Your turn!

I encourage you to stockpile memories from events and adventures that will make you say "I can't believe this is happening" or "I will never forget this." Do not stockpile regret; there's far too much that going around these days – "remember when I/we did that? That was awesome!" trumps "I wish I had done that" 100 times out of 100.

How to Live Like James Bond For a WeekendI've lost two grandparents in the past year – my grandfather taught me the importance of a life worth living, and my grandmother taught me that anything is possible.

Life is short, so start planning today – what is one story you hope to have, and one step you can take today to get closer to making it happen? "When I have enough money" or "when the timing is right" are just excuses to keep you from putting real effort towards making things happen. Yeah, you might need to work smarter or harder, you might need to make some sacrifices or changes, and you will probably need to take a few risks, but the experiences are worth the effort.

Start planning out the specifics of what you want to accomplish by putting a concrete value on it:

• How much time will it take?
• Exactly how much money will you need to save?
• Who do you need to contact?
• What skill do you need to learn?
• Are there any shortcuts you can take?

Take your goals and dreams from the abstract and make them as specific and concrete as possible. Let me know how I can help – nothing makes me happier than helping other people get what they want out of life – I live for this stuff.

So stop waiting and start doing

Tomorrow never comes; eventually never happens.



Steve Kamb is the nerd-in-chief of, a site dedicated to helping nerds, desk-jockeys, and averages Joes level up their lives. You can sign up for the Nerd Fitness Newsletter here and follow him on Twitter.

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This Sounds Like My Ideal Social Network [Video]

This Sounds Like My Ideal Social NetworkWhat's better than Facebook, or Google+, or Twitter, or any other social network you can join? How about: not that. Or more specifically, how about Not Google Plus, an antisocial network we can all get behind.

To help ease the transition, maybe just see if you can't get all your friend groups to stand around in actual circles the next time you Hangout hang out. Full video below:

[College Humor]

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Indie Strategy Bundle of Games Is Your Therapeutic Gaming Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

I just came back from California. Sunny Cali-for-ni-ay where the absence of weather means it's always great weather. I ate In N Out a bazillion times. I drove in traffic. I listened to Dr. Dre. I watched Clayton Kershaw pitch. I didn't surf, but I could have! I didn't smoke out, but I should have! I didn't sing the theme song of the OC but I'm humming it now. In New York. In my dark and cluttered desk. In the dreary weather. In depression. I'm depressed. And as a practicing scientologist that can't take medicine, I stay depressed. So I wrap my brain around strategy games to remove myself from this world. I'm happy. It's the next best thing to California. Try my therapy with the Indie Strategy Bundle: Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Defense Grid: The Awakening, Revenge of the Titans, Sanctum, and Sol Survivor for 10 bucks. -CC

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NASA Will Give $1.6 Billion to Private Companies to Design a Shuttle Replacement [Space]

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The process is open to different companies, like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX or Dream Chaser. In the first phase, companies will use part of that money to present their systems. On the second phase, the winner—or winners, if the budget allows—from phase one will finish their projects.

It will begin in July 2012 and end in April 2014. At the end of this long tunnel, there will be something that will take US astronauts to the ISS low-earth orbit. Until then, it's Soyuz all the way.

That will give the winning program six years of operation—the ISS is expected to be sunk in the ocean in 2020. Hopefully, the systems would be in place to go somewhere else by then. Perhaps one of Bigelow's space motels. [NASA, NASA and NASA]

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Should We Just Let Pandas Die Off Already? [Crossfire]

Should We Just Let Pandas Die Off Already?Pandas. Zoos want them, other bears want to be them (maybe?). But are they really worth all the trouble? Let's fight about it:

The panda bear, above all, is a survivor of the keenest degree. You might deride it for its sloth, for its listlessness, for its struggle to spread its seed. But what you call laziness, I single out as a sign of a fighter. The panda bear is slow, the panda bear falters—but the panda bear has defeated every obstacle thrown in its way by that Queen Bitch Mother Nature. It has survived in spite of its own genome. Let us consider the following:

• 99% of the panda's diet is bamboo, yes. It's extremely low in nutrients. But the bear's guts are built to process meat—it's a carnivore, at its foundation. But through millions of years evolutionary battling and environmental change, its found itself inhabiting bamboo-rich regions. What'd it do—give up on eating and perish? No. It just ate the fucking bamboo—up to 40 pounds of it every single day—and shut up about it. Would humans do the same? No, we'd complain that there weren't enough GroupOn deals for bamboo.

• Pandas are fucking adorable. They look like humans wearing bear suits—WHICH IS REALLY, REALLY CUTE. They have sharp teeth, but choose to use them only for peaceful purposes.

• They're a boon for the perennially tense US/Chinese relations—sharing pandas between our countries shows that we have more in common that we'd ever imagine. Namely, a love for pandas and a concern for their wellbeing.

• They're a boon for the local economy for Washington DC, our nation's capital, my hometown, and a city with unsung fiscal problems due to shoddy congressional policy.

• They're really cute. Scientists don't even know why they have black spots! C'mon!

Pandas are victims of their own tenacity. Where other species have been eliminated by the slow, dark hand of natural selection, the panda has stood up and said "O, ye forces of the cosmos—unhand me. I stand on my paws a Free Bear, unburdened by my genome. Behold my bamboo chomps and despair." Evolutionary excellence. The unbridled determination to live another day. To eat another shoot. The lethargic king of all furred beasts. -SB

I just want to get this straight right off the bat: I really don't hate pandas.* I just love nature. And nature has made it clear in no uncertain terms that pandas need to die. Now.

Here are the valid reasons for humanity's continued propping up of Ailuropoda melanoleuca:

• They are kind of cute.

And here are the reasons we should let them die out the way sweet Gaia intended:

• Female pandas can expect a solid 16 years of fertility, but they only ovulate once a year, and can only handle one set of offspring every two years. There's no clearer recipe for extinction. Even their ovaries are lazy!

• It's cool, though, because they won't have sex. That's the most popular charge leveled against pandas, and for good reason! They have no libido, no interest in repopulating the species. They'd rather sit and chew, chew and sit, even when there's panda porn shoved in their faces (which is a real thing that actually happened).

• Not only do pandas not procreate, they have fake pregnancies, presumably to get zookeepers off their backs about having all that free casual sex.

• When they do bother having sex, it's generally with family members. That's right: the one kind of sex pandas can't get enough of is incest.

• And when they manage to have babies? It's usually twins. One of whom is raised to be a good panda adult, the other of whom is left to die. Seriously. They almost always actively let one of their children die.

• Pandas are technically carnivores, but they chose to subsist almost entirely (we're talking 99% of intake) on bamboo, which is terribly difficult for them to digest. But they still spend 16 hours a day eating it. That's like if you decided to chew on styrofoam for 90% of your waking hours.

• There are accredited professional animal people out there who feel the same way! BBC wildlife expert Chris Packham recently—and rightly—noted that "giant pandas should be allowed to die out." Expert opinion! Expert British opinion!

Should We Just Let Pandas Die Off Already?• We fetishize them to an unhealthy degree. Do you know how much this Banquete Chair made of panda stuffed animals costs? $75,000. Gross. Pointless. Pandas.

• We spend millions—seriously, millions!—of dollars every single year propping up a species that has no discernible will to survive. Money which could go towards other, more ambitious species. Like homo sapiens! Or emu or whatever. Anything but these these giant depressive raccoons.

And so on. This is not an animal that wants to survive. This is the overstuffed, lobotomized Hamburgler of the animal kingdom, desperate to go lazy into that good night. And we simply won't let them.

Look, I'm not saying let's go kill some pandas, or let's kick them out of our zoos. I'm saying let's stop interfering with them, even if it's just for a little bit. Let's spend our conservation energies on species that actually give dodo about being conserved.

*Okay maybe I do hate pandas a little. A lot. I hate pandas a lot and so should you. -BB

Photo: Life

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