Sunday, September 18, 2011

LEGO Star Wars Hoth Wampa Set Is the Ice Cold Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

It's going to get cold soon. I know you don't think that now. I know you beautiful people in California don't ever have to think about that. I know you don't want 70 degree weather to end. I know you don't want to remember the scarves, the gloves, the layers, the runny nose, the red cheeks, the glass ears, the chapped skin, the numb fingers, the club feet. I know you don't want to get fat over winter. I know you don't want to sleep with clothes on. But it's going to get cold soon. Not SOON soon but soon there will be no more shorts, no more t-shirts, no more skin freedom. No more bikinis, no more tank tops, no more beaches. It's going to be a tough life. So better prepare yourself now by building the LEGO Star Wars Hoth Wampa Set for $30. It'll keep you ready for the chill until the cold really hits. -CC

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