Thursday, September 22, 2011

Someone Please Make This Oreo Crumbs Tea Bag [Desired]

Someone Please Make This Oreo Crumbs Tea BagNabisco needs to include this Oreo crumbs case with every single bag of Oreos. Think about it: all those previously wasted Oreo crumbs bond together to infuse your milk with chocolate-cookie-white-creme-goodness. Oreo crumb milk is the nectar of the gods, people.

Too bad it's not real. The Oreo Crumb Case was a concept made by Miami Ad School students Michael Malz, Jacob Gale, Kelly Saucier, and Michael Grosso. I think someone smarter than me should flip this IRL. They could even sell crushed Oreo packets to go along with it. Who would say no? Joe Brown, my boss, says, "That oreo bag is more important that the iPhone or world peace". I agree. [Ads of the World via The Daily What]

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