Friday, February 17, 2012

Steve Jobs, as Remembered by His First Girlfriend [Steve Jobs]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 1:00 PM 49,847 62

Steve Jobs, as Remembered by His First GirlfriendRolling Stone has a great cover story on Steve Jobs that included an essay from Chrisann Brennan, Jobs' first girlfriend and the mother of Lisa. It reveals a side of Jobs before Apple—the Bob Dylan-loving romantic poet madly in love.

Most of the stuff Brennan writes, we've already known. How he loved Dylan, and re-enacted Alice in Wonderland for money, and how they were in love. But it's that rawness of Jobs that she captures, his early spirit that was motivated by something else other than typical limitations like worrying or expectations. Brennan writes:

We had very little money and no foreseeable prospects. One evening after we had splurged on dinner and a movie, we walked back to our car to discover a $25 parking ticket. I just turned inside out with despair, but Steve did not seem to care. He had a deep well of patience when it came to discouragements. We drove to the ocean near Crissy Field in San Francisco and walked out onto the beach to see the sunset, where I began talking about money worries. He gave me a long, exasperated look, reached into his pockets and took the few last coins and dollars we had and threw them into the ocean. All of them.

It's funny how he could not care about the big stuff but could comb through all the details on the small stuff. The entire Rolling Stone article is worth a read. [Rolling Stone]

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Cops Using Crime Prediction Software to Stop Crimes Before They Happen [Crime]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 8:00 PM 7,033 24

Cops Using Crime Prediction Software to Stop Crimes Before They HappenIt's not quite Minority Report but Santa Cruz police are field testing a new crime prediction program that'll help stop crime before they even happen. It doesn't predict exactly who will commit the crime but will try and predict where crimes will happen.

It's pretty smart, the program, designed by George Mohler at Santa Clara University, uses locations of past crimes to flag potential future crime scenes. The logic: a burglary at one location tends to trigger other burglaries nearby in the next few days—like an aftershock effect. And the software is relatively effective too! New Scientist notes:

On average the program predicted the location and time of 25 per cent of actual burglaries that occurred on any particular day in an area of Los Angeles in 2004 and 2005, using just the data on burglaries that had occurred before that day

The program will flag up to 10 areas (150 square meters) for three different crimes (residential burglary, auto burglary and auto theft) and then the police will adjust their patrolling schedules to check out those locations in an effort to curb criminal activity from happening. The thought is, if the police is around, criminals would be less likely to be, well, criminals. I wonder if this new software comes with cool gloves. [New Scientist, Image Credit: Anton Prado PHOTO/Shutterstock]

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Sesame Street's YouTube Account Got Hacked with Porn Videos [Hacking]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 8:25 PM 17,569 60

Sesame Street's YouTube Account Got Hacked with Porn VideosSesame Street's YouTube was hacked earlier today by people who replaced Muppet clips with graphic porn. It apparently took Google more than 20 minutes to react to the hack, which means porn was floating around on the iconic children's TV show channel.

PBS and Google haven't said anything but according to CNN, a message posted on the Sesame Street YouTube account "claimed responsibility in the names of two other YouTube users". One of those users who supposedly "claimed responsibility", however, has denied any wrongdoing. His account, MrEdxwx, said:

"I did not hack Sesame Street. I am an honest YouTuber. I work hard to make quality gameplay videos, and most important I respect the community guidelines."

No one else has claimed responsibility for the hack. [CNN, Image Credit: TNW]

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Beer Can Freezes Time in Northern Heavens [Photography]

By Roger Highfield -... Oct 16, 2011 2:00 PM 20,948 7

Beer Can Freezes Time in Northern HeavensTaken with a beer can that has been converted into a pinhole camera, this image compresses three months into one instant.

The glowing paths show how, from our point of view, our closest star's travels across the sky change with the seasons. Variations in cloud cover cause the gaps in the silvery trails that form each day.

Justin Quinnell left the "can cam" near Antony Gormley's The Angel of the North, the iconic 200-tonne, 20-metre-tall steel structure near the A1 road just outside Gateshead in the north of England.

After three months, Quinnell removed the photographic paper the can contained, which now held a negative latent image of the apparent movements of the sun, which are caused by the Earth spinning on its axis. "The image forms with time, like a suntan," he explains.

The paper was then scanned into a computer and the image inverted using software to create the positive version shown here. This type of photography is known as solargraphy.

The highest path represents the sun's "peak", when it appears highest in the sky, which takes place on 21 June in the northern hemisphere. After this day the trails grow shorter and climb lower in the sky, revealing the approach of winter.

Together, the 23.5-degree tilt in the Earth's axis and its revolution around the sun are what give us our seasons. This striking image illustrates these changes and reveals the passage of time.

Beer Can Freezes Time in Northern Heavens New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture, providing comprehensive coverage of science and technology news.

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This Boning Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit Is Proof that American Museums Are Too Prudish [Dinosaurs]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 12:00 PM 31,527 92

This Boning Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit Is Proof that American Museums Are Too PrudishEuropeans have all the fun: lower drinking ages, funner beaches, easier lifestyles and... dinosaur skeletons having sex in their museums. This exhibit, which clearly shows two T-Rexes "mating", is located in the Jurassic Museum of Asturias in Spain.

A Reddit user recently found the exhibit, which, of course, has long been a conversation starter at MUJA, a museum that has over 8,000 fossils (200 of them being dinosaurs, crocs, fish and tortoises). The copulating dinosaurs are actually replicas and a pseudo-guess on how dinosaurs mated, as no one really knows how they did the deed. The position seems a bit awkward as the girl T-Rex's tail could smack dude T-Rex in the face. Ah, messy logistics.

Either way, with this hilarious dinosaur exhibit, I think the MUJA has sky rocketed to the top of my non-existant "museums I want to go to list". [Reddit]

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Your Dreams Should Be Displayed on Your Bed Like This [Photography]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 7:00 PM 39,713 11

Photographer Jan von Holleben came up with a clever way to re-create his famous "Dreams of Flying" series by photographing a girl sleeping on her bed and having the girl's dreams fully displayed around her. I love it.

The whole series represents one girl's full night's worth of dreams, there's her sleeping on couds, her running away from a giant cat, her dancing, her shopping and her driving. The detail that Holleben put in creating these dream scenarios is incredibly creative: sheets can become cars, jeans can become collars, socks become fish, etc. Wouldn't it be so awesome to wake up and your bed has become a setting of one of your dreams? Check out the whole series at My Modern Met. [My Modern Met via Neatorama]

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The Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of All Time [Movies]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 3:00 PM 37,556 99

The Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of All TimeTorrentFreak recently published a list of the most pirated movies over BitTorrent of all time and apparently, what we watch in theaters is what we like to pirate off the Internet. All of the most popular movies have been illegally downloaded a gazillion times.

Here's the list, which dates back to early 2006:

1. Avatar (21 million downloads)
2. The Dark Knight (19 million downloads)
3. Transformers (19 million downloads)
4. Inception (18 million downloads)
5. The Hangover (17 million downloads)
6. Star Trek (16 million downloads)
7. Kick-Ass (15 million downloads)
8. The Departed (14 million downloads)
9. The Incredible Hulk (14 million downloads)
10. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (14 million downloads)

Any surprises? Kick-Ass obviously doesn't hold a candle to the rest of the movies in terms of Blockbuster power, so there's one. The Incredible Hulk being a top 10 pirated movie surprises me since they had another Hulk that everyone pretended didn't exist. Other than that though, the formula is quite simple: Sci-Fi Comic Book Gun movies with Leonardo DiCaprio starring. [TorrentFreak]

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You Can Buy One of the Super Rare DeLorean Time Machines Used in Back to the Future [Back To The Future]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 6:00 PM 14,618 24

You Can Buy One of the Super Rare DeLorean Time Machines Used in Back to the FutureProfiles in History is auctioning off over a 100 Back to the Future props but the one that's got me—and about the entire rest of the world—shaking in my boots is the DeLorean used in BTTF III. It's one of only seven DeLoreans used throughout the entire series.

The DeLorean being auctioned off is the one that Marty McFly "used in the 1955 drive-in movie scene when Michael J. Fox drives it into the past and lands in 1885 to find Doc". The auction house says it's one of only three to have survived after filming. I've always said when I could afford a DeLorean, I was going to buy one but... I can't afford this one. The BTTF III DeLorean is expected to fetch $600,000. Gulp.

I guess I'll have to look past the DeLorean and check out the other stuff which ranges from "original costumes, the Tales From Space comic, Doc's burned toy Cadillac, Clock Tower cables, Gray's Almanac, the Doc Brown committed/commended newspapers" and drum roll please: a full set of all five types of hoverboards. Hoverboards, you are mine. The auction starts in December so I'll be saving every penny until then. [Profiles in History via LA Times]

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Every Baseball Is Rubbed with This Special Mud Before It Gets Used [Video]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 4:00 PM 25,742 39

Every Baseball Is Rubbed with This Special Mud Before It Gets UsedEvery Baseball Is Rubbed with This Special Mud Before It Gets Used Baseball, America's past past time, is a pretty quirky game with quirkier players and quirkiest traditions. Chew tobacco! Sunflower seeds! Rally caps! Seventh Inning Stretch! And even a "special mud" that gets rubbed onto every single baseball in the major and minor leagues. Huh?

The mud is called Lena Blackburne Original Baseball Rubbing Mud and it comes from a secret spot in South Jersey off the Delaware River. Jim Bintliff, who owns Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud, skims the top inch layer on the muddy riverbanks for collection and then puts the mud through screens to refine it before packaging it, aging it and shipping it to all the baseball teams in the MLB. Bintliff says the texture of his special mud is like chocolate pudding. Tasty.

The mud is applied because new baseballs are much too slick for pitchers to grip properly. Baseball ended up using Lena Blackburne's special mud because its fine-grain sediments properties added grip without scratching the leather and messing up a ball's trajectory. The tradition of manually rubbing this special mud into balls started in the 1950's and continues to this day. [NewsWorks]

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The 15 Types of People You'll See at Comic Con [Humor]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 9:00 PM 23,303 29

The 15 Types of People You'll See at Comic ConComic Con NY is wrapping up this weekend and it's mostly a nerdfest shit show with the occasional girl dressed in cosplay, creeps who don't know they're being creepy creeping and the same people over and over again. Here's 15 people you'll see at Comic Con:

The 15 Types of People You'll See at Comic ConI feel like they're missing some. Speak up in the comments if you feel your type was left out! Oh and click the pic to embiggen. [Dorkly via Geeks are Sexy]

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Watch Bugs Unbelievably Charge a Smartphone [Video]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 5:00 PM 15,764 31

Watch Bugs Unbelievably Charge a Smartphone This ad by Qualcomm is more impressive and less gross than I thought it would be—it uses bugs on miniature circus equipment to charge an Android phone with a Snapdragon processor. I'm guessing it's an attempt to show off how low-powered the Snapdragon processor can be? Whatever, complex bugs are cool. [Bug Circus Generator via Laughing Squid]

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The Situation Got Kicked Out of the Apple Store for Trying to Cut in Line [Apple]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 5:28 PM 55,346 86

The Situation Got Kicked Out of the Apple Store for Trying to Cut in LineThe Situation, from the MTV hit freak show Jersey Shore, was apparently trying to get an iPhone 4S from the Apple Store but got kicked out instead. Was the fake tan and hair gel combo smell unbearable? Nope! Sitch foolishly tried to cut the line.

When an Apple Store employee saw Mike up to no good (he's either killing or making this season of the Shore btw), he told him to GTFO and threw him out. Maybe Sitch gets special treatment at Karma but at the Apple Store, we all wait together bro. You should of had Snooks sneak in or something. [@laurenmcc, Image Credit: Getty]

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The 99% Is Printing Infographics on Money to Show the 1% the Reality of Occupy Wall Street [Occupy Wall Street]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 8:54 PM 75,029 120

There's something going on with Occupy Wall Street—good, bad, monumental, anarchy, I don't know—but there is a clear disparity between the 1% and the 99% and the voice of the 99% is slowly ringing louder. Here's one way to get the 1% to pay even more attention: taint their money.

Occupy George is a movement that hopes to print and stamp infographics that highlight the economic disparity in the US and then circulate that money around the world. The point being they could ignore and muzzle the Occupy Wall Street movement but the 1% can't ignore the money.

Facts like how 400 Americans control as much wealth as the bottom half of the country and pie charts illustrating the share of income growth and images saying this money is the future property of the 1% are all printed on dollar bills. It's clever, probably illegal but if executed properly, could gain a lot of attention. I'd start printing and stamping $100 bills though... Check out the Occupy George movement here. [Occupy George]

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Watching a Time Lapse of Burning Man Is Like Seeing a Disease Spread [Video]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 11:00 AM 6,404 8

Watching a Time Lapse of Burning Man Is Like Seeing a Disease Spread This time lapse video shows 5 weeks of Burning Man 2011 in 5 minutes. It covers the entire event—from set up to everyone leaving—at about 3 hours every second. It's like watching a disease spread on the face of the Earth.

The nighttime part seems to be the most fun with crazy lights and fires burning abound while the day time sequences look hot, dusty and hot and dusty. Does this time lapse video capture the soul of Burning Man or do you have to be up close to partake on the crazy? [Playa Time via Laughing Squid]

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AT&T iPhone 4S Already Coming Unlocked When You Buy Off-Contract [IPhone]

By Casey Chan Oct 16, 2011 10:00 AM 7,709 15

AT&T iPhone 4S Already Coming Unlocked When You Buy Off-Contract An unlocked iPhone 4S is supposed to 'officially' come out in November but it looks like we don't have to wait that long. [

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The WISPR Vaporizer Looks Like a Retro Transistor Radio [Smoking]

By Andrew Liszewski Oct 15, 2011 2:00 PM 10,882 17

The WISPR Vaporizer Looks Like a Retro Transistor RadioThere's an endless list of reasons why you should probably just quit smoking. But quitting isn't easy, so the WISPR promises to deliver everything you love about cigarettes, with a bit less of the stuff that could be killing you.

Thanks to design firms Thing Tank and Sequitur Creative, IOLITE's WISPR vaporizer looks like a retro-riffic transistor radio from yesteryear. But inside it packs a butane burner and a compartment for holding pipe tobacco. The IOLITE website actually suggests the use of "other herbs" here because everyone knows you look way cooler smoking tobacco from a pipe. And, let's be frank, there's only one type of smoker who's going to spend hundreds of dollars on a device like this.

Once filled with both fuel and your leaves of choice, you light the WISPR and wait for it to heat up to 374 degrees. At that temperature the tobacco is heated instead of burned, producing a vapor that's inhaled through a pop-up straw. Still not healthy but also less un-healthy, as the process reduces the amount of toxins you're taking in. Available in five very appealing colors for about $280. [WISPR via Wired]

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The World's Brightest Pico Projector Still Isn't Bright Enough [Pico]

By Andrew Liszewski Oct 15, 2011 3:00 PM 9,751 10

The World's Brightest Pico Projector Still Isn't Bright EnoughWe love the idea of carrying a compact device that turns any bare wall into a movie theater. Like the makers of pico projectors have been promising us for years. But even with an impressive 80 lumens of brightness, the P4 still has a long way to go before we really get excited.

In the world of pico projectors, 80 lumens with a 2,000:1 contrast ratio is as bright as you can buy right now. Using Texas Instruments DLP LED technology the P4 can project an image up to 80 inches in size on a wall. But outside of a seedily dark room, that image is very probably going to be washed out. It just won't compare to your standard projector that usually boast lumens in the 2 to 3,000 range (you can't fit those in your shirt pocket though).

Composite and VGA video hookups, and a max resolution of 1,280x768, allow you feed the P4 a 720P video signal from a laptop or media player. While two gigs of onbard storage and a microSD card slot can also be used for natively playing media files directly from the projector. Unfortunately, the other area where pico projectors aren't quite ready for primetime is their battery life. The P4's rechargeable lithium-ion battery is only good for about seventy five minutes, well short of your typical Hollywood feature. And since it uses LEDs instead of lasers, you're going to be constantly refocusing the image every time you move it. On the plus side the prices of picos continue to drop, with the P4 pre-order going for a mere $339. [AAXA P4]

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Apple Purposely Gave Siri Some Attitude [IPhone]

By Casey Chan Oct 15, 2011 2:35 PM 49,040 74

Apple Purposely Gave Siri Some AttitudeSiri, the iPhone's super sassy personal assistant, has some hilarious bite to her, doesn't she? It wasn't always like this! According to WSJ, Siri started with a "light attitude" until Apple bought it and then purposely gave it more of an edge.

Norman Winarsky, a co-founder of Siri before Apple's purchase, says his original team had many conversations about "whether it should be gender neutral or should have an attitude". They decided to go with a voice that occasionally had a "light attitude". When Apple got their hands on Siri though, Apple wanted more edge, a realness that wasn't vanilla. Yes, they wanted to keep Siri "friendly and humble" but they were more concerned with "how would we want a person to respond?"

And they did a pretty good job! We've tested Siri plenty already and it's the most natural voice control system we've seen. What else can answer, "I've never really thought about it" to "Do you do anal?" or respond to an inquiry about Siri's favorite sex position by snapping, "You're not supposed to ask your assistant such things". Now if only Apple spent as much time perfecting the voice as they did figuring out her attitude... [WSJ, Image Credit: Shit That Siri Says]

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The Best Videos of the Week [Video]

The Best Videos of the WeekMaybe you were swamped at the office this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're about to go back to work and could use one last distraction. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.

The Best Videos of the Week

After a little while it gets boring asking Siri to text people and convert gallons to quarts. It's been a long day. I'm a little delirious. Help me, Siri. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The dudes from Japanese car site Cliccar get out of their boring civvies and got dressed up as Mario and Luigi. Then, they hopped in two street legal X-Karts and took to the avenues and boulevards of Tokyo. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

I'd have no reservations about taking the Pit-Bull VX armored SWAT truck to a gunfight, but the local McDonald's drive-thru presented a unique challenge. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

That moment you've been waiting to happen all season has finally occurred: the public shaming of the Jersey Shore cast. And in that regard, last night's episode did not disappoint. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Tiger Woods was assaulted by a hot dog that landed approximately 20 feet from him during the final round of the Open on Sunday, and walked away unscathed. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

One reason why some oppose same-sex marriage is they've never met a happy, loving gay couple or family. That's what the Campaign for Southern Equality is trying to change with the WE DO Campaign, which produced this heartbreaking video. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

It'll take a lot to screw this up: Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and a handful of other extremely cool heroes in uniform, all blowing things up together wonderfully. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Why is it called The Legend of Zelda when Link's the one doing all the work? Just wait until Metroid hears about this; she'll be pissed. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

A salvage crew from Maritime New Zealand's helicoptered onto the abandoned cargo ship Rena, hoping to determine whether oil can be pumped from the ship before it breaks apart. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Doctors are baffled at the case of Nguyen Thi Phuong, a 26-year-old Vietnamese woman who says that an allergic reaction caused her skin to sag and wrinkle, effectively aging her 50 years in just a few days. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

When a video of Sophia Grace, 8, and Rosie, 5, performing Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" hit the internet, it "went viral" in record time, accumulating over 7 million views. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

"This is the voluptuous dancer Irina Grandez, who for love of the southern lands Blanquirroja arrived to put all the 'chest' by Peru, which now goes to 'kill' to Chile." View »

The Best Videos of the Week

This is perfectly even mix of completely adorable and completely frightening. Adorable, because, well, it's a baby being cute and infantile. Frightening because her mushy baby brain's already been transformed by an iPad. View »

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What would happen if illegal immigrants from Mexico concluded that economic conditions in the U.S. were just as bad-or worse-than those in their native country and decided to return home en masse? South Park tackled that question last night. View »

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Minecraft, congratulations! You've officially arrived. Religious nuts are railing against you. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Alan Wilzig is just like you and me. He has a family, he loves cars and motorcycles and he's got a mile-long, 40-foot-wide full racetrack in his front yard. View »

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In last night's edition of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, 90210, Dana invited the ladies gathered to play games at her house, which for all intents and purposes should have been a reasonably relaxed, fun time. It was anything but. View »

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Here we have a perfectly rational, not-at-all-insane news report, introduced by a sober anchor, about how Snoop Dogg reached out to a Welshman named Ian Neale, whom he'd stumbled upon on YouTube discussing a noteworthy accomplishment... View »

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There's plenty of context for midfielder Dare Vršic's injury time free kick goal against Serbia yesterday in 2012 Euro qualifiers, if you want it. Slovenia had never beaten a team from the former Yugoslavia, their historic rivals. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Cats always have a mind of their own and they're not afraid to show it. So if you blow hot air in their face with a hair dryer, they'll try to smack the beejizzle out of the air. View »

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With two decade's worth of games to pick from, these are some of the gigantic bosses and wily rivals Sonic and Sonic will be taking on in next month's Sonic Generations. View »

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New York City's subway system has been home to naked racists, naked bathers and vicious brawl. So what's next? How about the incredibly foolish guy who was filmed clinging on for dear life while riding the J train on the outside? View »

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Darrell Waltrip won Nascar's Winston Cup three times and stands fourth in race wins among all Nascar drivers. Yet it only took half a lap in an Australian supercar around Mount Panorama to unleash his inner Snagglepuss. View »

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At a recent event for, Joseph-Gordon Levitt enlisted the help of Anne Hathaway, his costar in The Dark Knight Rises and a hitRECord user to perform a ballad… in French. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Since China has a ton of people making a ton of money these days, they're just spending it wildly. Like buying $2.5 million yachts that don't work. As the yacht was entering the water for the first time, it started sinking and eventually capsized. View »

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