Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Facebook Founders Reportedly Fight Over Spotify [Spotify]

By Mat Honan Oct 14, 2011 6:05 PM 14,086 13

Facebook Founders Reportedly Fight Over SpotifyThe New York Post is reporting that Facebook founders Mark Zuckerberg and Justin Timberlake Sean Parker had a boozy sissy fight over whether or not Spotify (a company Parker invests in) should make Facebook a requirement.

The Post says that the pair got in an "alcohol fueled" argument after the Spotify launch, citing an anonymous source:

According to the witness, "Sean argued that all Spotify users should not be forced to sign up for a Facebook account, but Mark wouldn't budge. It was a full on screaming match outside the club, but stopped short at coming to blows. They then stormed off in different directions." The partnership has boosted Spotify subscribers but irked some who don't want their music choices broadcast on Facebook.

The Facebook requirement was a horrible decision for Spotify's users. So if this story is true (and Parker seems to offer some validation that it's at least partially true) it could indicate that Parker and Spotify were forced into the Facebook-required stand by Zuck.

Maybe if they'd all just gotten blunted with Snoop, as Timberlake Parker is wont to do, it never would have happened.
Facebook Founders Reportedly Fight Over Spotify

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