Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Watch Two Siris Confuse the Hell Out of Each Other [Video]

By Sam Biddle and Woody Jang Oct 14, 2011 6:40 PM 62,097 46

Watch Two Siris Confuse the Hell Out of Each Other We're finding Siri—smart as she/he/it is—has some trouble understanding us mere mortals. But what about two formidable AIs matched against one another? They converse like two mental patients.

It's not a fair test of Siri's abilities—she was designed to help Flesh Creatures, not other digital brains! I felt bad for the two of them, sent into a spiral of web queries and natural language wrangling, ad infinitum, without any hope of an adequate answer. And those beeps. Oh those beeps. I could hear the despair in their voices.

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