Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An F1 Racing Barbecue Grill for No Reason Other Than Being Amazing [Desired]

By Kyle Wagner Oct 14, 2011 7:20 PM 14,439 7

I can't think of a single thing I'd rather F1 engineers doing with their downtime than building grills designed with F1 dynamics in mind. They only thing that could make Brennwagen grills more desirable would be guns to shoot your meat while you cook it.

Former F1 engineers Florian Wagner and Daniel Ernst got together to create these wonderful meat-burning machines. They've got "low profile tires, drop-center rims, center nuts [and] safety brakes," and the top-of-the-line GTX 1500 looks a smidge roomier than my first car. The smallest grill, the GTC 500, is diminutive enough to pass as a piece of carry-on luggage, and would probably be enough to give your local TSA agent a mild stroke.

Brennwagen's site isn't super-clear about the prices, but they do offer this lovely illustration of how they think trucks deliver will the grills. [Brennwagen via Core77]

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