Wednesday, February 15, 2012

iPhone 4S Test Notes: Browser Benchmarks (Versus the Fastest Android Phones) [IPhone]

By Sam Biddle Oct 14, 2011 6:19 PM 25,446 72

iPhone 4S Test Notes: Browser Benchmarks (Versus the Fastest Android Phones)The iPhone 4S is faster than the iPhone 4. How much faster? And how much faster than its non-Apple kin? We did some benchmark bench pressing to find out. Feel the burn!

First, some synthetic benchmarks, courtesy of Sunspider. How fast could these phones crush JavaScript? We tested each phone on the same Wi-Fi network, inches away from one another. A lower score (faster) is better:

iPhone 4S: 2237.8 ms
iPhone 4: 3611.8 ms
Droid Bionic: 3963.9 ms
Samsung Galaxy S II: 3523.2 ms

The iPhone 4S is the champ by a wide stretch—and its little brother still beats the beefier Bionic.

But what about some non-synthetic testing? We loaded up two popular, image-heavy sites under the same conditions. Again, lower is better:

iPhone 4S
Awl: 6 sec
NYT: 5 sec

iPhone 4:
Awl: 7 sec
NYT: 8 sec

Droid Bionic:
NYT: 12 sec
Awl: 13 sec

Samsung Galaxy S II:
NYT: 5 sec
Awl: 8 sec

Again, the 4S crosses the finish line first. Is this a completely comprehensive test? No. Is this highly indicative? Yes.

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