Saturday, February 11, 2012

Biker Gang Raids Apple Store [Crime]

By Sam Biddle Oct 10, 2011 9:09 AM 13,723 29

Biker Gang Raids Apple StoreMoped life on the open road. Unbridled asphalt rebellion. The thrill of the throttle, wind in your hair, roar of the engine beneath you. Breaking into an Apple Store to steal a bunch of iPads. Rebels.

Seven English idiot moped-riders smashed through a London Apple store early this morning, snatching Macs, iPads, and "other similar devices," according to police. The Next Web's Matt Brian says the motorized mischief was witnessed by a blogging gent who's been camping outside the store for publicity: "Really annoying as I was having an early sleep and was out for the count."

Who is the sadder figure here: a guy stealing iPads on a moped, or a guy sleeping outside of an Apple Store by choice? Trick question: the most miserable of all are the two who got caught:

A 16-year-old boy and 21-year-old man were arrested at the scene on suspicion of burglary. Property, believed stolen from the store, was found in bags in their possession, Scotland Yard said.

Photos via The Next Web

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