Monday, August 29, 2011

TomTom's Newest GPS Creepily Auto-Tweets Your Location for No Reason [GPS]

TomTom's Newest GPS Creepily Auto-Tweets Your Location for No ReasonFret not—Hurricane Irene didn't blow all the stupid out of the world. The TomTom Go Live 1535 M packs apps! The coolest one? A neutered Twitter program that only lets you broadcast your location to the internet. Vroom!

Yep, the Twitter app can't actually read or write tweets. But if you want your followers (and anyone who searches for you) to see that you've safely arrived at the grocery store, or are on vacation, or something similarly stupid and potentially privacy-infringing. For $300, you too can have a Twitter client that does basically nothing, instead of just downloading one for free on the smartphone you likely have that also likely gives GPS directions. Oh wait—the Go Live 1535 also has a Yelp app! Nevermind, now apps on a GPS make sense and are good. [BusinessWire via TechCrunch]

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