Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Walter Potter Made Dead Bunnies Look Like School Children [Video]

Calling Walter Potter obsessed with taxidermy would be a bit of an understatement. Potter, who lived from 1835 to 1918, created incredible anthropomorphic scenes of squirrels playing cards, kittens playing croquet, bunnies attending elementary school, and even bird funerals (not kidding), and eight-legged kittens with two tails.

As you can see in the 1965 video and images above, he was quite prolific. The video's narrator says: "As an artist he suffered, simply because there was no one to compare him with." I wonder if that's really why?

In any case, it is unbelievable how intricate the poses and expressions are in Potter's taxidermy scenes. And who doesn't love a good mouseterpiece? [Morbid Anatomy via BoingBoing, Images:Taxidermy4Cash]

View the original article here

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