Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sprint Nearly Doubles Early Termination Fee—Just Like Verizon Before the iPhone [Blip]

Sprint Nearly Doubles Early Termination Fee--Just Like Verizon Before the iPhoneYou used to be cool(er) Sprint. Now we're hearing that you're raising your pro-rated ETF (Early Termination Fee) to $350 from $200. Just because AT&T and Verizon are charging $350 doesn't you need to raise yours.

Sure you're the carrier that offers real unlimited data unlike your rivals and maybe you're getting the iPhone this fall, which would be super cool. After all, Verizon raised their ETF right before getting the iPhone. So we'll give you that. But it's a slippery slope. [Phone Scoop]

Image from elwynn/Shutterstock

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