Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Listen to Gizmodo's Soundtrack: Goldfrapp [Video]

Listen to Gizmodo's Soundtrack: Goldfrapp Many of you may not know Goldfrapp, but it's the soundtrack of my Apple events articles, all written at hypersonic speed. When the adrenalin is pumping, it's either that or the fast tracks of Exile in Main Street by the Rolling Stones.

Goldfrapp is a British band, formed by goddess Allison Goldfrapp and wizard Will Gregory. They have released album after album of incredible new sounds, always reinventing themselves with each release. What they were doing in 2000, Madonna, Gaga and all those label monsters are bastardizing now, all fat and artifice instead of the unadulterated genius of this British duo. And live... they are one of the best live bands I've ever listened to. The last time at the Hammersmith Ballroom in New York, during the Head First tour.

Head First was their latest work but this videoclip is Ooh La La. It's a classic, from their 2005 album Supernature, which is simply amazing from beginning to end. Perfect electronica—or whatever this is—with influences of disco and glam all over. Also, it makes me horny. It has all the perfect rhythms for good sex. Trust me on this one.

I probably have listened and danced—Goldfrapp is a must in every good dance floor there is—to this at least three million times. Or something. I just don't get tired of shaking my money maker to it. Hope you enjoy it. [Amazon or iTunes]

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