Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Tech That Took Out Gadhafi [Libya]

With rebel forces in Tripoli and Moammar Gadhafi on the run, the end could be near for the Libyan civil war. Sporadic fighting continues in the capital city of the oil-rich North African nation, NATO warplanes are still patrolling overhead, and there's always the danger of Gadhafi true-believers launching a fresh insurgency.

But already, Western analysts are weighing the lessons of the six-month-long conflict. "Modern air power is the key force that is directly leading to the overthrow of the Gadhafi regime," retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula concluded.

True, but a host of other cutting-edge technologies, and a few decidedly low-end ones, also played critical roles.

Photo: Mike Elkin

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