Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Best Videos of the Week [Video]

The Best Videos of the WeekMaybe you were swamped at the office this week and couldn't check your favorite Gawker Media sites. Or maybe you're about to work a double and need one last distraction. Whatever the case, we've got you covered. Here are some of the best videos we watched during the week that was.

The Best Videos of the Week

The best reaction to a car crash ever caught on video has been granted entry to the Valhalla of online video with this, its very own AutoTune treatment. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

UC Berkeley scientists have developed a system to capture visual activity in human brains and reconstruct it as digital video clips. Eventually, this process will allow you to record and reconstruct your own dreams on a computer screen. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Just as the credits started to roll at the conclusion of Monday night's Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen, Jackass Steve-O literally dove into Mike Tyson's fist, thereby breaking his nose. It's worth watching for William Shatner's reaction alone. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Last night on TBS's Conan, Mr. O'Brien touched on game reviewers' fears that the more mature, emotional storyline for Gears of War 3 might alienate hardcore gamers. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

By now we've all heard about how weird it was for Rupert Grint and Emma Watson to make out on-screen in the last Harry Potter film. Now, see proof with your own two eyes. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Here's Part One of the C-Roll excerpts we'll be posting all week. Today, the infamous Lucy Lawless boob slip (from her national anthem at a 1997 NHL game in Anaheim), another boob slip, and sex above the SkyDome during a Red Sox-Jays game. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Modern Family's star Sofia Vergara stopped by the Late Show on Thursday. I suspect any conversation between David Letterman and Vergara would entertain, but this one took things to a supremely satisfying new level. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Automakers spend billions of dollars on television ads every year - more than film producers and pharmaceutical companies combined. Although we've already shown you the ten worst car commercials, we figured it was time to finally ask Jalopnik readers to sort through history's greatest ones. Here are the results. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

This weekend NASA published an awesome time-lapse flyby of planet Earth taken from the International Space Station. It'll leave you stupefied. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

FIFA 12 won't be out until later this month. Perhaps that will be enough time for EA to fix all of the game's wonderfully hilarious bugs, as seen in this video. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Tot Mom, meet Tit Mom. The 13th season of Dancing with the Stars premiered tonight, as did HLN grief pornographer Nancy Grace's "three-year-old twins" when she she gleefully took her milkshake all over the damn yard View »

The Best Videos of the Week

It's a matter of personal preference, but I'm pretty sure no one on staff here likes the word "pussy." But we're going to use it in this instance, because on last night's episode of Jersey Shore it was used repeatedly. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Who says you can never relive the glory days? Who says you can't do it at age 85, in a parking lot, wearing a pair of jorts and a Michigan Wolverines windbreaker as you inhale the contents of a Keystone Light Michelob Ultra in just under ten seconds? View »

The Best Videos of the Week

I spend hours each day sifting through videos of people doing insane stunts with cars. This video of a few Saudis darting in-and-out of traffic while firing assault rifles into the air tops them all. It's reckless. It's horrible. It's scary as hell. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

You're you. You have your two hands and two feet and a camera. That's it. Can you climb up a freaking skyscraper without any protective gear, safety net, rope, and whatever else sane people use when they climb? View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Meet Marc Martel, who—as you'll see—is essentially Freddie Mercury incarnate, and already a shoo-in to win the Queen Extravaganza contest because of this submission. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

When Half-Minute Hero designer Kenichiro Takaki thought about what he wanted to see on the 3DS, he came up with Senran Kagura—for obvious reasons. There are ninjas. There are boobs. The end. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Earlier today, Taylor Armstrong spoke with Dr. Phil for a tear-filled hour of discussion about her late husband's suicide. While the entire show was hard to watch, perhaps the worst bit was listening to Taylor's play-by-play of her daughter learning of her father's death. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

It's not unusual to have neighborly disputes over what goes down on the other side of the fence, but one San Diego neighborhood has noticed an increasing eyesore ever since a Google Street View car started parking down the street. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The Jane Lynch-hosted 63rd Primetime Emmys are history. But don't fret if you missed any of the action—we've got you covered! Here are all of the night's highlights and lowlights. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

This young girl goalkeeper was woefully out of position when an opposing forward took a quality shot. In attempting to stop said shot, the young girl goalkeeper's forehead met the goalpost with authority. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Seriously, watch. It's out of this world. The Epomis beetle can beat the laws of nature and actually kill a frog that's much, much bigger than it. Even more, the Epomis beetle's larvae can do the same-with an almost 100% success rate. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

The first time my friend showed me Sonic The Hedgehog on his Sega Genesis, he made me put the controller down so I could see how much more attitude Sonic had than my Mario. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Bristol Palin was riding the mechanical bull at a Hollywood bar when a rude drunk yelled, "Your mother's a whore!" Bristol marched up to the man, jutted out her new chin, an got into a heated confrontation. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

Glee returned to our regular Tuesday night TV lineup last night, hurrah. But we're maybe more excited by what Sesame Street brings us: Glee, as performed by puppets. Perfection. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

As music video premises go, they don't get more embarrassingly simple or effective than this. Take three attractive-ish Russian pop stars, put them in a car, and film what happens. View »

The Best Videos of the Week

On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart mocked recent tax-related complaints of rich old men—Bill O'Reilly, for example—before spoofing those annoying Sarah McLachlan ASPCA ads. Will you be an angel for a helpless multi-millionaire? View »

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